ARAN-4001, 4 Zone Burglar Alarm Panal With GSM Auto Dialer
Technical Specification
- 16x2 LCD Display, Micro controller based, 1 Zone 24 Hours, ✓ 1 zone Immediate, 1 zone delay, 1 zone, tamper / panic 15
- Digit Keypad for system, programming Menu driven, simplest
- System, programming Programable Hooter time.
- Programable Entry / Exit time. Voltages output for
- Secondary devices like Detector ABC Plastic Body, panel ✓ Arm / Disarm mechanical key, GSM support, 5-message, 5- ✓ voice, 12-volt 7 Ah battery support 7 hours power backup, ✓ CE, RoHS, STQC, MSME, NSIC Certified.
- Color: White

Salient & Unique Features of ARAN-4001
- ARAN-4001 have 4 Fully Programable Zone as Per Need
- Operation through keypad with LCD, SMS.
- Separate message for separate zone can programable. (means 4 zone 4 messages. voice & text both.)
- Zone naming facility.
- Upto 10 no's of telephone no can be programed for delivering of messages.
- 24 hour 1 separate panic zone in addition of 8 zone.
- Event log upto 60 Days
- Upto 3 no of Keypad can attached.
- Separate control station for connection terminal and power supply unit.